Forage and Dye Workshops 2025

Spring Series - Garlic Mustard

Spring Series - Garlic Mustard

Join us as we create a communal dye bath with garlic mustard we will be foraging on site. We will then experiment with silk scraps, ribbons, and yarn on your own lap loom to weave a textural tapestry - layering together naturally dyed materials to create a piece that reflects the landscape around us.

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Summer Series - Mugwort

Summer Series - Mugwort

Our intention with these workshops is to teach participants how to utilize the plants we will be focusing on, creatively and medicinally. A vast majority of plants will produce beautiful ranges of color as well as having medicinal benefits that enhance physical and mental well being.

Open to all skill levels - these workshops will demonstrate how multi-faceted plants, mostly invasives, can be.

Open to all skill levels!

First in our summer series is the infamous mugwort! You will generally find mugwort taking up all the space on roadsides and uncultivated places. In this workshop, we will learn how to identify, forage and utilize it! We will also talk about ethical foraging practices, the invasive status of mugwort and the benefits of utilizing it as medicine. Although this plant can be a nuisance, it holds a very special place in many cultures.

Join us as we create a communal dye bath with mugwort we will be foraging on site. We will then experiment with silk scraps, ribbons, and yarn on your own lap loom to weave a textural tapestry - layering together naturally dyed materials to create a piece that reflects the landscape around us.

Each participant will leave their own small tapestry, an info packet with a materia medica and instructions on how to dye yarn on your own as well as some recipes that utilize mugwort that you can make at home!

Cost: $60

This workshop will be held at Sister Divine’s Farm in Olivebridge, NY.

Use the contact form in the link below to find out how to sign up for the workshop!

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Late Summer Series - Mulberry

Late Summer Series - Mulberry

Our intention with these workshops is to teach participants how to utilize the plants we will be focusing on, creatively and medicinally. A vast majority of plants will produce beautiful ranges of color as well as having medicinal benefits that enhance physical and mental well being.

Open to all skill levels - these workshops will demonstrate how multi-faceted plants, mostly invasives, can be.

Open to all skill levels!

One of our favorite plant dyes, we will be focusing on mulberry in this workshop! You may notice the berry smooshed all over the roads and trails when they are in season. The berry is subtly tart similar to a blackberry and also makes an incredible dye. In this workshop, we will learn how to identify, forage and utilize it! We will also talk about ethical foraging practices, the invasive status and the benefits of utilizing it as medicine.

Join us as we create a communal dye bath with mulberry we will be foraging on site. We will then experiment with silk scraps, ribbons, and yarn on your own lap loom to weave a textural tapestry - layering together naturally dyed materials to create a piece that reflects the landscape around us.

Each participant will leave their own small tapestry, an info packet with a materia medica and instructions on how to dye yarn on your own as well as some recipes that utilize mulberry that you can make at home!

Cost: $60

This workshop will be held in Newburgh, NY. The address will be emailed to participants a day or two before the workshop.

Use the contact form in the link below to find out how to sign up for the workshop!

Silk yarn dyed with mulberry and wool yarn dyed with either black walnut or mugwort

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Fall Series - Black Walnut

Fall Series - Black Walnut

Our intention with these workshops is to teach participants how to utilize the plants we will be focusing on, creatively and medicinally. A vast majority of plants will produce beautiful ranges of color as well as having medicinal benefits that enhance physical and mental well being.

Open to all skill levels - these workshops will demonstrate how multi-faceted plants, mostly invasives, can be.

Open to all skill levels!

For our last workshop of 2025, we will be working with black walnuts! A familiar sight for most people in the northeast, you can find them scattered all over the ground during this time of year. In this workshop, we will learn how to identify the trees, discuss the native status and extract the rich color!

Join us as we create a communal dye bath with black walnuts in Sasha’s cast iron cauldron. :) We will then experiment with silk scraps, ribbons, and yarn on your own lap loom to weave a textural tapestry - layering together naturally dyed materials to create a piece that reflects the landscape around us.

Each participant will leave their own small tapestry, an info packet with a materia medica and instructions on how to dye yarn on your own as well.

Cost: $60

This workshop will be held in Walkill, NY. The address will be emailed to participants a day or two before the workshop.

Use the contact form in the link below to find out how to sign up for the workshop!

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Summer Series - Goldenrod (Solidago sp.)

Summer Series - Goldenrod (Solidago sp.)

Our intention with these workshops is to teach participants how to utilize the plants we will be focusing on, creatively and medicinally. A vast majority of plants will produce beautiful ranges of color as well as having medicinal benefits that enhance physical and mental well being. Open to all skill levels - these workshops will demonstrate how multi-faceted plants, mostly invasives, can be.

Open to all skill levels!

Last in our summer series is a favorite of ours…goldenrod! In this workshop, we will learn how to identify, forage and utilize it! We will also talk about ethical foraging practices, what type of plants are “aggressive” natives and the benefits of utilizing it as medicine.

Join us as we create a communal dye bath with goldenrod we will be foraging on site while also concocting a pear goldenrod cordial :)

Each participant will leave their own dyed silk scarf, an info packet with a materia medica and instructions on how to dye at home as well as the cordial that they will make during the workshop.

Sliding scale: $45-$65

This workshop will be held in Walkill, NY - the address will be emailed to participants a day or two before the date.

If you would like to sign up for this workshop, click the link below! If you’d prefer to use venmo/paypal, please email me at

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Summer Series - Garden Dyes

Summer Series - Garden Dyes

Our intention with these workshops is to teach participants how to utilize the plants we will be focusing on, creatively and medicinally. A vast majority of plants will produce beautiful ranges of color as well as having medicinal benefits that enhance physical and mental well being. Open to all skill levels - these workshops will demonstrate how multi-faceted plants, mostly invasives, can be.

Open to all skill levels!

A little change from our regular workshops. July is full of so many beautiful blooms in the garden, we wanted to enjoy the bounty! In this workshop, we will learn about how to make your own dye garden and utilize it! We will also talk about how to plan your garden, germinate seeds, and bloom times.

Join us as we create a communal dye bath with blooms we pick from the garden which will include coreopsis, rudbeckia and/or dyer’s chamomile. We will then make a face scrub out of the German chamomile harvested from the garden.

Each participant will leave their own dyed silk scarf, an info packet on starting a dye garden and instructions on how to dye at home along with the face scrub made in the class.

Sliding scale: $45-$65

This workshop will be held in Newburgh, NY - the address will be emailed to participants a day or two before the date.

If you would like to sign up for this workshop, click the link below. If you’d prefer to use Venmo or PayPal, email me at

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Spring Series - Nettle (Urtica dioica)

Spring Series - Nettle (Urtica dioica)

Our intention with these workshops is to teach participants how to utilize the plants we will be focusing on, creatively and medicinally. A vast majority of plants will produce beautiful ranges of color as well as having medicinal benefits that enhance physical and mental well being. Open to all skill levels - these workshops will demonstrate how multi-faceted plants, mostly invasives, can be.

Open to all skill levels!

Last in the spring series is nettles! I will be voluntarily stinging myself as I like to do every year before we harvest hehe. In this workshop, we will learn how to identify, forage and utilize it! We will also talk about ethical foraging practices, the invasive status of nettles and the benefits of utilizing it as medicine.

Join us as we create a communal dye bath with nettles we will be foraging on site while also concocting a mineral rich syrup.

Each participant will leave their own dyed silk scarf, an info packet with a materia medica and instructions on how to dye at home as well as the syrup that they will make during the workshop.

Sliding scale: $45-$65

This workshop will be held in Walkill, NY - the address will be emailed to participants a day or two before the date.

If you would like to sign up for this workshop, click the link below! If you would prefer to venmo/paypal, please email me at

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Nettle (Urtica dioica)

Nettle (Urtica dioica)

Open to all skill levels!

Learn how to forage and dye with nettles! We will talk about identification, ethical foraging practices and where to find it growing. Then, we will create a dye bath with the foraged material.

All participants will leave with an info packet containing a Materia Medica on nettles and dye instructions so you can have a guide to do your own dyeing after the workshop.

Suggested donation: $40 

You will leave with fabric swatches we will dye in the workshop but if you would like to wear what we dye, we will have 21” x 21” silk scarves available to purchase for $10.

Workshop will be held in Walkill, NY 

Click the link below to reserve a spot or to ask any questions about this workshop!

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Japanese Knotweed (Reynoutria japonica)

Japanese Knotweed (Reynoutria japonica)

Open to all skill levels!

Learn how to forage and dye with japanese knotweed root! We will talk about identification, invasive status in our area and where to find it growing. Then, we will create a dye bath with the foraged material. We will also learn about changing the color of dye baths by shifting the pH.

All participants will leave with an info packet containing a Materia Medica on japanese knotweed and dye instructions so you can have a guide to do your own dyeing after the workshop.

Suggested donation: $40 

You will leave with fabric swatches we will dye in the workshop but if you would like to wear what we dye, we will have 21” x 21” silk scarves available to purchase for $10.

Workshop will be held in Newburgh, NY 

Click the link below to reserve a spot, ask any questions about this workshop or find out how to donate.

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Forsythia (Forsythia sp.)

Forsythia (Forsythia sp.)

Open to all skill levels!

Learn how to forage and dye with forsythia! We will talk about identification, ethical foraging practices and where to find it growing. Then, we will create a dye bath with the foraged material.

All participants will leave with an info packet containing a Materia Medica on Forsythia and dye instructions so you can have a guide to do your own dyeing after the workshop with an additional recipe on how to make forsythia honey syrup!

Suggested donation: $40 

You will leave with fabric swatches we will dye in the workshop but if you would like to wear what we dye, we will have 21” x 21” silk scarves available to purchase for $10.

Workshop will be held in Newburgh, NY 

Click below to reserve a spot or to ask a question about this workshop!

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Garlic Mustard (Alliaria Petiolata)

Garlic Mustard (Alliaria Petiolata)

Open to all skill levels!

Learn how to forage and dye with garlic mustard! We will talk about identification, invasive status in our area and where to find it growing. We will then create a dye bath with the foraged material. In addition to the dyeing process, we will talk about how to make a spring vinegar with garlic mustard along with other early spring plants.

All participants will leave with an info packet containing a Materia Medica on garlic mustard and dye instructions so you can have a guide to do your own dyeing after the workshop.

Suggested donation: $40

You will leave with fabric swatches we will dye in the workshop but if you would like to wear what we dye, we will have 21” x 21” silk scarves available to purchase for $10.

Workshop will be held in Walkill, NY

Click below to reserve a spot or to ask a question about this workshop!

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